Liberty + Justice For All Candle Sticker
7” x 7” vinyl sticker. Sized to wrap around a standard seven day jar candle. These stickers are translucent, allowing the light of the candle to shine softly through as it burns. A blue candle is recommended.
“This candle wrap image is sized for a 7-day sanctuary candle, 7” x 7”. Once applied to a round, blue, glass candle, you view the image by thirds as it is turned. This image is intended to restore the American ideal stated in our pledge of allegiance as “Liberty and Justice for ALL.” I invite you to join me in this working of magickal resistance.
In the center diamond of my image, the Bald Eagle crowns the Greek Goddess Themis, goddess of Justice and Law, who is best known as "Lady Justice." In artwork, she is typically portrayed as blind-folded, holding scales and a sword. My goddess image also has eye's covered by her cloak, holding the scales of justice up to her brow - seeking a justice balanced by Highest Divine Guidance. She grasps her sword in strength, as the balance point between the peace we desire, and the necessary defense of our liberties.
The Diamond border points are like a magickal circle - as above, so below. At the top, the sun and the heavens in balance with the moon and the underworld at the bottom. In the center, planet earth and the middle realms manifest the magick of the candle imagery.
The feathers on the diamond border represent the eagle’s wings in upward flight. The eagle’s head also turns toward the olive branch of peace, which shows thirteen olives and leaves. That desire for peace is balanced by the willingness to defend that peace, represented by the thirteen arrows to the right.
However, my use of 13 isn’t about the original colonies, obviously. Thirteen is a “witch’s dozen.” It is a sacred number within magick, representing the magickal wholeness of the 12 zodiac signs. The zodiac parses out the twelve arenas of consciousness, as three modalities multiplied by the four elemental energies, plus one more. That thirteenth represents our synergistic one-ness. America, too, is much greater than the sum of her parts. Our love affair with “13” also harks back to the 13 lunations within a special “Blue Moon” year.
I also used the seven red stripes to represent the seven Hermetic celestial spheres, which contain the 7 planetary/divine governors of those spheres.
From the outside of the image working inward, the corner symbols may look like an upside down peace sign, but I tap the power of Algiz - a Norse rune of protection. Furthered interlaced by the colors of the four elemental realms, and the 5-pointed pentacle star - symbols of balance and protection of our five-fold selves.
Values for the New Age
The four keywords at top and bottom are the values this magick weaves into the new age while Pluto transits Aquarius, 2024- 2043.
Upper left: Resilience of planetary Pluto, as we evolve and transform through the death of the old age. Novsu Ordo Seclorum, “A new order of the ages.”
Upper Right: Innovation of Aquarius, to heighten our thinking and solutions in new and progressive, humanitarian ways. E. Pluribus Unum, “Out of many, One.”
Lower Left: Equality of Libra, ensuring that in the cooperative culture of the new age, the equality of people is an inalienable right. Annuit Coeptis, “Divine Favor of our Undertakings”
Lower Right: The courage of planetary Mars, so that we have the strength to defend our rights and values. Si vis pacem, para bellum. “If you desire peace, prepare for war.”
The Latin motto's included on three of the corner panels are also found on the Seal of the United States. The motto on the Mars panel originates from Roman military theorist Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus, in his book "Epitoma Rei Militaris." “ - Heron Michelle
7” x 7” vinyl sticker. Sized to wrap around a standard seven day jar candle. These stickers are translucent, allowing the light of the candle to shine softly through as it burns. A blue candle is recommended.
“This candle wrap image is sized for a 7-day sanctuary candle, 7” x 7”. Once applied to a round, blue, glass candle, you view the image by thirds as it is turned. This image is intended to restore the American ideal stated in our pledge of allegiance as “Liberty and Justice for ALL.” I invite you to join me in this working of magickal resistance.
In the center diamond of my image, the Bald Eagle crowns the Greek Goddess Themis, goddess of Justice and Law, who is best known as "Lady Justice." In artwork, she is typically portrayed as blind-folded, holding scales and a sword. My goddess image also has eye's covered by her cloak, holding the scales of justice up to her brow - seeking a justice balanced by Highest Divine Guidance. She grasps her sword in strength, as the balance point between the peace we desire, and the necessary defense of our liberties.
The Diamond border points are like a magickal circle - as above, so below. At the top, the sun and the heavens in balance with the moon and the underworld at the bottom. In the center, planet earth and the middle realms manifest the magick of the candle imagery.
The feathers on the diamond border represent the eagle’s wings in upward flight. The eagle’s head also turns toward the olive branch of peace, which shows thirteen olives and leaves. That desire for peace is balanced by the willingness to defend that peace, represented by the thirteen arrows to the right.
However, my use of 13 isn’t about the original colonies, obviously. Thirteen is a “witch’s dozen.” It is a sacred number within magick, representing the magickal wholeness of the 12 zodiac signs. The zodiac parses out the twelve arenas of consciousness, as three modalities multiplied by the four elemental energies, plus one more. That thirteenth represents our synergistic one-ness. America, too, is much greater than the sum of her parts. Our love affair with “13” also harks back to the 13 lunations within a special “Blue Moon” year.
I also used the seven red stripes to represent the seven Hermetic celestial spheres, which contain the 7 planetary/divine governors of those spheres.
From the outside of the image working inward, the corner symbols may look like an upside down peace sign, but I tap the power of Algiz - a Norse rune of protection. Furthered interlaced by the colors of the four elemental realms, and the 5-pointed pentacle star - symbols of balance and protection of our five-fold selves.
Values for the New Age
The four keywords at top and bottom are the values this magick weaves into the new age while Pluto transits Aquarius, 2024- 2043.
Upper left: Resilience of planetary Pluto, as we evolve and transform through the death of the old age. Novsu Ordo Seclorum, “A new order of the ages.”
Upper Right: Innovation of Aquarius, to heighten our thinking and solutions in new and progressive, humanitarian ways. E. Pluribus Unum, “Out of many, One.”
Lower Left: Equality of Libra, ensuring that in the cooperative culture of the new age, the equality of people is an inalienable right. Annuit Coeptis, “Divine Favor of our Undertakings”
Lower Right: The courage of planetary Mars, so that we have the strength to defend our rights and values. Si vis pacem, para bellum. “If you desire peace, prepare for war.”
The Latin motto's included on three of the corner panels are also found on the Seal of the United States. The motto on the Mars panel originates from Roman military theorist Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus, in his book "Epitoma Rei Militaris." “ - Heron Michelle
7” x 7” vinyl sticker. Sized to wrap around a standard seven day jar candle. These stickers are translucent, allowing the light of the candle to shine softly through as it burns. A blue candle is recommended.
“This candle wrap image is sized for a 7-day sanctuary candle, 7” x 7”. Once applied to a round, blue, glass candle, you view the image by thirds as it is turned. This image is intended to restore the American ideal stated in our pledge of allegiance as “Liberty and Justice for ALL.” I invite you to join me in this working of magickal resistance.
In the center diamond of my image, the Bald Eagle crowns the Greek Goddess Themis, goddess of Justice and Law, who is best known as "Lady Justice." In artwork, she is typically portrayed as blind-folded, holding scales and a sword. My goddess image also has eye's covered by her cloak, holding the scales of justice up to her brow - seeking a justice balanced by Highest Divine Guidance. She grasps her sword in strength, as the balance point between the peace we desire, and the necessary defense of our liberties.
The Diamond border points are like a magickal circle - as above, so below. At the top, the sun and the heavens in balance with the moon and the underworld at the bottom. In the center, planet earth and the middle realms manifest the magick of the candle imagery.
The feathers on the diamond border represent the eagle’s wings in upward flight. The eagle’s head also turns toward the olive branch of peace, which shows thirteen olives and leaves. That desire for peace is balanced by the willingness to defend that peace, represented by the thirteen arrows to the right.
However, my use of 13 isn’t about the original colonies, obviously. Thirteen is a “witch’s dozen.” It is a sacred number within magick, representing the magickal wholeness of the 12 zodiac signs. The zodiac parses out the twelve arenas of consciousness, as three modalities multiplied by the four elemental energies, plus one more. That thirteenth represents our synergistic one-ness. America, too, is much greater than the sum of her parts. Our love affair with “13” also harks back to the 13 lunations within a special “Blue Moon” year.
I also used the seven red stripes to represent the seven Hermetic celestial spheres, which contain the 7 planetary/divine governors of those spheres.
From the outside of the image working inward, the corner symbols may look like an upside down peace sign, but I tap the power of Algiz - a Norse rune of protection. Furthered interlaced by the colors of the four elemental realms, and the 5-pointed pentacle star - symbols of balance and protection of our five-fold selves.
Values for the New Age
The four keywords at top and bottom are the values this magick weaves into the new age while Pluto transits Aquarius, 2024- 2043.
Upper left: Resilience of planetary Pluto, as we evolve and transform through the death of the old age. Novsu Ordo Seclorum, “A new order of the ages.”
Upper Right: Innovation of Aquarius, to heighten our thinking and solutions in new and progressive, humanitarian ways. E. Pluribus Unum, “Out of many, One.”
Lower Left: Equality of Libra, ensuring that in the cooperative culture of the new age, the equality of people is an inalienable right. Annuit Coeptis, “Divine Favor of our Undertakings”
Lower Right: The courage of planetary Mars, so that we have the strength to defend our rights and values. Si vis pacem, para bellum. “If you desire peace, prepare for war.”
The Latin motto's included on three of the corner panels are also found on the Seal of the United States. The motto on the Mars panel originates from Roman military theorist Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus, in his book "Epitoma Rei Militaris." “ - Heron Michelle