Serving Greenville, NC since 2009
Our mission is to equip spiritual travelers of the "less-traveled paths" with the uplifting goods, education, healing and psychic services they need to thrive. We proudly support esoteric interests with goods such as crystals, candles, incense, organic herbs and teas, books, decor, jewelry and expressions of a progressive social awareness.
so·journ: noun \ˈsō-ˌjərn\ : a period of time when you rest in one place as a traveler or guest, a rest during a long journey.
Our name comes from the ancient notion that we are spiritual beings taking a human sojourn during each of many lifetimes. We're here to enjoy life, learn, evolve, and help out fellow travelers that we meet along our path.
A safe haven for all…
Our expert staff are here to answer your questions about a wide variety of spiritual and magickal subjects: herbalism, sustainable and holistic living, yoga, energy healing, witchcraft and folk magick, and psychic services like astrology, tarot cards, and mediumship. The Sojourner aims to be a haven of loving acceptance for all people, especially our magickal, LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC communities.