Skip to Videos All | Intro Series | Dedication | Earth | Air | Fire | Water | Spirit | Elemental Mysteries | The Paradoxes | The Chakras | Formularies | Elemental Temple Rituals | Spells | Workshops | Zoom Calls | Earth, Section 3 Course-Wide General Disclaimers and Ground Rules for our Cooperative Culture Earth, Earth Path Welcome and Course Goals The Paradoxes, Earth, The Sovereignty Paradox: Independence vs Interdependence Elemental Mysteries, Zoom Calls, Earth, Welcome Check-in & Earth Mysteries Formularies, Zoom Calls, Earth, Dark Moon Check-in & Earth Formulary Zoom Calls, Earth, The Chakras, Full Moon Check-in & Root Chakra Class Spells, Earth, Spell 1: I Am The Magick Earth, Earth Workshop: Besom Making with Courtney Varnadoe