Skip to Videos All | Intro Series | Dedication | Earth | Air | Fire | Water | Spirit | Elemental Mysteries | The Paradoxes | The Chakras | Formularies | Elemental Temple Rituals | Spells | Workshops | Zoom Calls | Dedication, Dedication Welcome and Course Goals Dedication, Wholeness for Happiness Upon the Pentacle Path of Elemental Witchcraft: Dedication, Reconciling Divine Paradox Along Pentacle Path Dedication, Elemental Tools Earth, Section 3 Course-Wide General Disclaimers and Ground Rules for our Cooperative Culture Earth, Earth Path Welcome and Course Goals The Paradoxes, Earth, The Sovereignty Paradox: Independence vs Interdependence Spells, Earth, Spell 1: I Am The Magick Air, Air Path Welcome and Course Goals The Paradoxes, Air, The Truth Paradox: Absolute vs Relative Elemental Mysteries, Air, Air Projective Mystery: To Know Elemental Mysteries, Air, Air Receptive Mystery: To Wonder Air, The Chakras, Throat Chakra Air, The Chakras, Third Eye Chakra Formularies, Air, Air Formulary Crafting Elemental Temple Rituals, Air, Air Temple Ritual Spells, Air, Spell 2: Saturn's Reckoning Jar Spells, Air, Spell 3: Mercury's Truth Jar Fire, Fire Path Welcome and Course Goals The Paradoxes, Fire, The Power Paradox: Domination vs Cooperation Elemental Mysteries, Fire, Fire Projective Mystery: To Will Formularies, Fire, Fire Formulary Crafting Fire, The Chakras, Solar Plexus Chakra Elemental Mysteries, Fire, Fire Receptive Mystery: To Surrender Elemental Temple Rituals, Fire, Fire Temple Ritual Spells, Fire, Spell 4: Shield of Mars Water, Water Path Welcome and Course Goals Elemental Mysteries, Water, Water Projective Mystery: To Dare Water, The Paradoxes, The Love Paradox: Love vs Fear Formularies, Water, Water Formulary Crafting Formularies, Water, Water Formulary: Mother Waters Formularies, Water, Bonus: Hurricane Daring Water Water, The Chakras, Heart Chakra Water, Elemental Temple Rituals, Water Temple Ritual Elemental Mysteries, Water, Water Receptive Mystery: To Accept Formularies, Water, Water Spell Formulary Water, Spells, Spell 5: Healing the Wounded Heart Water, Spells, Spell 6: Heart of Wholeness Spirit, Spirit Path Welcome and Course Goals Elemental Mysteries, Spirit, Mysteries of Quintessence - Witch's Jewel of Power: Spirit as Yang & Yin Spirit, The Paradoxes, The Completion Paradox: Unity vs Diversity Spirit, The Chakras, Crown, Earth Star, and Soul Star Chakras Spirit, Elemental Tool Consecration Formularies, Spirit, Spirit Formulary Crafting Spirit, Elemental Temple Rituals, Spirit Temple Ritual Spirit, Spells, The Magick of Completion Spirit, The Jewel of Power Tarot Spread Spirit, Path of Return and Conclusions Earth, Earth Workshop: Besom Making with Courtney Varnadoe Elemental Mysteries, Zoom Calls, Earth, Welcome Check-in & Earth Mysteries Formularies, Zoom Calls, Earth, Dark Moon Check-in & Earth Formulary Zoom Calls, Earth, The Chakras, Full Moon Check-in & Root Chakra Class Zoom Calls, Yule Class Zoom Calls, Dark Moon Check-in & Spell 1 Prep Zoom Calls, Farewell Check-in & Divination Zoom Calls, Zoom Check-in & Divination for "To Know" Zoom Calls, Zoom Check-in Zoom Calls, Zoom Check-in & Ostara Class Zoom Calls, Zoom Check-in & Divination for "To Wonder" Zoom Calls, Zoom Check-in & Beltane Class Zoom Calls, Zoom Check-in & Divination for "To Will" Zoom Calls, Zoom Check-in Zoom Calls, Zoom Check-in & Litha Class Zoom Calls, Zoom Check-in & Divination for "To Surrender" Zoom Calls, Zoom Farewell Check-in & Divination Zoom Calls, Water "To Dare" Mystery Zoom Check-in & Divination Zoom Calls, Water "To Accept" Mystery Check in & Divination Spirit, Zoom Calls, God Mystery Zoom Check-in & Divination Spirit, Zoom Calls, Goddess Mystery Zoom Check-in & Divination